YBX5019 vs HSB019

So, what is the difference between YBX5019 vs HSB019, here is the simple answer they are exactly the same, they are both made by Yuasa with the same specifications 12v 100Ah with 900 A(EN) Cold Cranking Amps

The only visual difference is the design of the sticker/label on the front of the battery

HSB019 is offered with 5-year warranty

YBX5019 is offered with either 5-year or 4-year warranty depending on which retailer you buy from

Contrary to believe Yuasa car batteries are actually only supplied with 1 year warranty to the distributor/retailer, the distributor/retailer then has the option of how much extra warranty they provide to the customer. (The amount of warranty supplied should always be clear to the customer prior to purchase)

halfords hsb019